Other partners and professional bodies we work with
One Dance UK work with various partners and professional bodies to ensure that dance is represented across the board. Read on to find out more if you're interested in working with us or if you would like to find out more about the partners and professional bodies that we work with or are already a part of.
Honours Advisory Committee
One Dance UK organise the Dance-specific Honours Advisory Committee, a voluntary group of individuals from across the many different parts of the dance sector who meet to ensure that a wide range of deserving individuals are regularly nominated for Honours.
Over recent years the group has successfully increased the breadth and numbers of dance people receiving honours.

Dance School Safeguarding Working Group (Safer Dance)
One Dance UK are a proud member of the Dance School Safeguarding Working Group (DSSWG), a collective voice promoting high standards of safeguarding in the Dance School sector in order to protect children and young adults.
The group was created by professionals and academics working in or around dance education and safeguarding to: "help protect children and vulnerable adults who attend dance teaching in out-of-school settings (“the sector”) in the UK by supporting and facilitating the implementation of high standards of safeguarding.”
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Discover! Creative Careers
Discover! Creative Careers helps young people learn about jobs in the creative industries. ScreenSkills lead the delivery of Discover Creative Careers in partnership with over 20 organisations and through collaboration with industry, education and careers professionals.
One Dance UK are a steering group partner for 2023 – 2025, following on from the launch of the programme in 2019.

Parents in the Performing Arts (PiPA)
One Dance UK is proud to be a Parents in Performing Arts Strategic Partner. PiPA campaigns for equal opportunities and access for parents and carers working in the performing arts.