Find choreographers and dance based healthcare practitioners through our dedicated directories.
Find the dance specialist you need, in a few simple clicks.
Our specialist, Healthcare and Choreographers Directories, are essential for anyone wanting to connect with choreographers or practitioners.
Featuring easy-to-read listings, contact details, showreels and testimonials, you can rest assured you're in the right place.

Healthcare Practitioners Directory
The Healthcare Practitioners Directory is a free searchable online database listing details of medical, psychological, and complementary health practitioners throughout the UK. Members of the dance profession have recommended all the individuals in the directory. These individuals have indicated that they have experience treating dancers and understand the specific needs and concerns surrounding injury prevention and dancers’ health. This fact is very important to the dancers who use the service, as they know they are more likely to find someone who has a deeper knowledge of the possible causes and consequences and the most appropriate and effective treatment for their injury or concern.
One Dance UK does not specifically endorse or recommend any practitioner listed on the register but enables dancers to choose a suitable practitioner in accordance with our charitable organisational aims, rather than for commercial advertising purposes.
Choreographers Directory
The UK Choreographers Directory (UKCD) is a free directory aimed at producers and directors searching for independent choreographers with experience in the arts and entertainment industries.
Specialisms include:
- Dance choreography
- Mass movement
- Pedestrian movement
- Circus choreography
- Music videos
- VR
If you are looking for a choreographer and would like further recommendations, please contact Amelia:
Please note - we are not currently accepting new applications to the directory.

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