CPD for Dance Teachers Snippet 5: Developing Appreciation Skills
One Dance UK has designed a CPD programme that is easily accessible for our teacher members. This new programme will include a series of short recorded CPD sessions available for members to access at a convenient time, throughout the duration of your membership. Not a member? Join us today.
Each recording is approximately 15 minutes in length and is designed so you can dip in and out during free periods, before or after school or whenever is convenient! The series of short recordings will cover the foundations of teaching dance in an education setting and can be applied to the full age range.
The fifth CPD snippet focuses on appreciation in dance and what appreciation could look like in the studio. The session provides example activities designed to help students grasp key terminology and develop high quality verbal responses.
This short session includes theoretical activities.
Who is this for? Dance Education, Videos, Children and Young People
Created on 15 April 2024