- Introducing Healthy Dance Practice
- Warming Up & Cooling Down
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Rest And Burnout
- Fit To Dance: Dance Specific Conditioning* - Flexibility, Strength, Plyometrics, Cardiorespiratory, And Core Training, Conditioning For Contemporary Floorwork And Partnering, And 11+
- The Mind In Dance: Mental Health* - Anxiety, Depression, Stress And Coping, And Body Image
- The Mind In Dance: Performance Psychology* – Motivation, Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Goal Setting, Imagery, Self-Talk, Mental Rehearsal, Building Confidence, Resilience, Creativity, Perfectionism, Psychology Of Injury, And Managing Rejection, Critique And Competition
- Eating Disorders And Relative Energy Deficiency In Dance
Healthier Dancer Talks
Our Healthier Dancer Programme talks form a core part of the education strand of the National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science (NIDMS).
Talks on dancers’ health and performance aim to:
- Promote safe and effective dance practice in educational and professional environments
- Educate dancers and educators on mechanisms for injury prevention and performance enhancement
- Raise awareness of resources, programmes, and organisations that facilitate dancers’ health and performance.

What can I expect from one of the talks?
Talks provide an overview of major topics in dancers’ health, from fitness, nutrition, psychology, and safe dance practice to overtraining and hypermobility in dance*. Workshops have been prepared with today’s dancers in mind and will include both theoretical and practical elements.
Talks are usually 90 minutes in length and can be delivered individually or as part of integrated modules. Modules include three or more talks and can be taught over a creation period, term or programme to develop a deeper knowledge and applied understanding of certain subjects.
If you are looking for a talk not listed on the menu below or would like to create a bespoke workshop, please feel free to contact us.
The Healthier Dancer Programme is also a registered provider of The Safe in Dance International Healthy Dance Practice CPD Certificate. This certificate has been developed and written by international leaders in healthy dance practice and is endorsed by the The Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre to award 60 hours of CPD through independent study. It evidences knowledge in the key areas of safe dance practice that are essential for dance teachers working in all dance genres and settings.
What talks can I book?
- Empowering Dance
- Fit To Dance – For Leaders
- Introduction To The Adolescent Dancer
- Hypermobility
For more in-depth training, modules of three or more talks can be taught over a creation period, term or programme to develop a deeper knowledge of certain subjects. Suggested modules are listed below, or you can create your own.
This module explores introductory tips on reducing injury through warm-up and cool-down, optimal fitness for dance, the signs and symptoms of overtraining, and the psychological effects of stress and anxiety that may precede injury, as well as exploring tools, advice and medical care for managing an injury. Delivered by a team of speakers from our Healthier Dancer Programme Speakers List including qualified and experienced dance specialist practitioner psychologist, psychotherapist or counsellor, a dance specialist physiologist, physiotherapist, strength and conditioning coach, or conditioning specialist, and safe dance practice specialist, these three 90-minute sessions can be delivered online or in-person.
Individuals can develop both physical and mental skills to train and work in dance, and research among dancers and athletes suggest that having mental skills may differentiate expert performers from less skilled performers. Delivered by a team of speakers from our Healthier Dancer Programme Speakers List including qualified and experienced dance specialist practitioner psychologist, psychotherapist or counsellor, dance specialist sport or performance psychologist, chartered psychologist, or wellbeing specialist, these three 90-minute sessions can be delivered online or in-person. This module can be composed of any three talks from The Mind in Dance: Performance Psychology or Mental Health sections. If you’re not sure what you’d like, get in touch and we can provide information and advice for what may best suit your needs.
Fitness is an important factor for developing dance performance and supporting effective training for dancers. Delivered by a team of speakers from our Healthier Dancer Programme Speakers List including dance specialist physiologist, physiotherapist, strength and conditioning coach, or conditioning specialist, and safe dance practice specialist, these three 90-minute sessions can be delivered online or in-person. This module can be composed of any three talks from the Fit to Dance: Dance Specific Conditioning section. If you’re not sure what you’d like, get in touch and we can provide information and advice for what may best suit your needs.
Research suggests that the incidence of eating disorders, particularly anorexia, among dancers is up to 3 times higher than in the general population. Relative Energy Deficiency, or the imbalance between the energy taken in and the energy expended, is also being explored in ballet, with indications that unintentional under fuelling could be a concern. Delivered by a qualified and experienced dance specialist practitioner psychologist or psychiatrist and dance specialist dietician from our Healthier Dancer Programme Speakers List, this practical workshop explores relative energy deficiency, disordered eating, and eating disorders in dance. This 90-minute session can be delivered online or in-person.
Delivered by Prof Matthew Wyon, dance specialist physiologist, from our Healthier Dancer Programme Speakers List, this talk introduces periodisation in dance and explores the impacts of periodisation in reducing injury, enhanced training outcomes, enhancing employability, and less knackered dancers. This 90-minute session can be delivered online or in-person.
Delivered by Safe in Dance International Registered Provider, Erin Sanchez, MSc, this series of sessions covers the course requirements for the for pursuit of the Certificates in Healthy Dance Practice, awarded by Safe in Dance International (SiDI; www.safeindance.com), which have been developed and written by international leaders in healthy dance practice and is endorsed by The Council for Dance Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT). It evidences knowledge in the key areas of safe dance practice that are essential for those working in all dance genres and settings. For more information, please contact team on HDP@onedanceuk.org
Find out about booking one of these talks
If you are looking for more in-depth coverage of a particular topic, we are able to recommend and arrange an expert professional speaker on a variety of topics from a dedicated Speakers List.

Meet the speakers
Talks are provided by highly qualified dance medicine and science experts from our Healthier Dance Programme Speakers List.

How do I book a session?
To book, please call One Dance UK on 020 7940 9804 and one of our friendly team will be happy to help. You can also email us using the button below.

How much does it cost?
We offer a range of affordable price points for both members and non-members. Please contact us using the button below for a full breakdown of prices available.